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MASA Staff

Dr. Ronnie McGehee

Dr. Ronnie McGehee currently serves as the Executive Director for MASA.  A native of Adams County, Dr. McGehee’s 41 year career includes being a Teacher, Coach, Assistant Principal, Principal, Athletic Director and Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent. He has been the Vice-President and President of MASA, a Governing Board Member of the National Association of School Administrators and has been named Administrator of the Year by both Herff-Jones and Madison County.   Upon his retirement from Madison County Schools in 2018, Dr. McGehee has continued to serve the state of Mississippi as the Executive Director for the Mississippi Association of Secondary School Principals.

Dr. McGehee earned his Doctorate degree from Mississippi State University, his Master’s degree from Mississippi College, and his Bachelor’s from the University of Southern Mississippi.


Ginger Lowhorn


Mrs. Ginger Lowhorn

Ginger Lowhorn is from Summit, MS.  She earned her Associate of Science in Marketing Managment from Southwest Mississippi Junior College (now SMCC) and her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Southern Mississippi.

She has been the Business Manager for MASA since 2014.